
Showing posts from March, 2015

Geografi Pariwisata

PENGEMBANGAN WISATA PANTAI PEH PULO KECAMATAN PANGGUNGREJO KABUPATEN BLITAR MENGGUNAKAN ANALISA SWOT Untuk memenuhi tugas Matakuliah Geografi Pariwisata yang dibina oleh bapak Drs. I Komang Astina, MS. Disusun oleh: Rizal Anggara Mukti 120721435435 UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MALANG JURUSAN GEOGRAFI MARET 2015 A.   KONDISI UMUM Pantai Peh Pulo secara astronomis terletak di 8°21'6"S 112°14'22"E. Lokasi Pantai Peh Pulo termasuk dalam wilayah administratif Desa Sumbersih, Kecamatan Panggungrejo, Kabupaten Blitar. Pantai Peh Pulo berjarak 28 kilometer dari pusat Kota Blitar. Rute menuju objek pantai ini yaitu, dari pusat Kota Blitar ke arah tenggara menuju Kecamatan Sutojayan, dari Kecamatan Sutojayan dilanjutkan ke arah timur menuju Kecamatan Panggungrejo, selajutnya ke arah selatan menuju Desa Sumbersih. Rute tersebut akan memalui jalan yang berlika-liku dan b...

Sistem Pertanian Eropa

EUROPE FARMING SYSTEM INTRODUCTION Recently, the development of organic farming has been made possible by livestock production (baars, 1998). As a result, the most common organic farming system in Europe was based on a large share of fodder crops in rotation, in combination with animal production (Olesen  et al , 1998). Nonetheless, the large demand on organic cereals (Sylvander, 1992), associated with both the development of organic production, thanks to their image of being environmentally friendly practices and the setting up of a public compensation payment system (Lampkin, 1996) create a favourable context to promote an arable farming system. Consequently, conversion to a specialized arable farming system is expected to increase. Arable farming systems (AFS) will be faced with technical problems such as nitrogen management (David, 1997) and weed control (Thomas  et al , 1994), which affect economic viability. Therefore, there seems to be a need for further resear...